Monday, May 31, 2010

Day 104 of 108

Sleep: 8 hrs? Not sure.
Sunshine: Lots of sun today. I spent several hours outside.
Love: I love my brother. :) So happy to have him in my life.
Joy: I did my kriyas & mediation sessions, plus a 2 hour kundalini class. By far my best class ever. It was fantastic!
Gratitude: Grateful I had food (fruit) waiting at home for me after kundalini class.
Bliss: The feeling I had during some of the kriyas in class were so good. Like a lightness, a bliss, a centeredness, a peace, …felt like I was being "carried" a few times. I would just surrender to the exercise, but be fully engaged & aware. Momentum, focus & rhythm definitely help with endurance. When something got hard, or difficult, I would just tune-in & tune-out at the same time. I found myself "being moved", vs. me trying to move myself. Life is the same for me. If I push to make things happen, they never feel right. If I completely "let go" & humbly participate with full awareness, they always turn out great & feel great at the same time.
Juicy-lusciousness: Champagne mangoes / Frozen cantaloupe smoothie / Banana-dandelion green smoothie / Plain Mugwort leaves & avocado eaten by hand piece by piece


Sharanya said...

what are mugwort leaves?how do they taste?


They taste like Rosemary a little. They also have a strong "earthy" taste.

I like strong greens, & bitter greens. So I'm not sure others would like mugwort for dinner. Maybe I'm the only crazy in town. :) It wouldn't surprise me!

It has medicinal properties too. Good for digestion, arthritis, etc..

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