Sunday, May 23, 2010

Day 96 of 108

Sleep: 3.5 hours (I wasn't sleepy last night! Then I had an early appointment this morning.)
Sunshine: Spent most of the day outside walking.
Water: 2.5 liter (Plus more tonight.)
Love: I love friendly & helpful people. The make such a difference.
Joy: Another intense core workout today in kundalini class. I love how every class is completely different. My core muscles were worked for most of the class, but the class was totally different from yesterday. (I'm still doing my own kriya/mediation in the morning. I started to do another one, different one in the evening too! So now it's 3 kundalini practices a day!)
Gratitude: Grateful my mom found something that she thought she had lost.
Bliss: Falling asleep at the need of yoga class for a few powerful minutes. I was completely relaxed. ;)
Juiciness: Orange juice, orange wedges, grapefruit juice, grapefruit wedges, & some super ripe bananas.

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