Monday, August 30, 2010


A hero is someone who has given his or her life to something bigger than oneself. - Joseph Campbell
Sleep & Rest: About 8.5 hours or a little less.
Yoga Practice: I'm going to do some spinal breathing before bed.
Sun & Air: Lunch outdoors.
Sweat & Fun: 15 minutes running stairs & 45 minutes run/walk combo outdoors.
Fruity Meals: Bag of mixed fresh figs / Lots of little blonde grapes (champagne grapes?, not sure what type) / Raw tomato stew with chopped avocado on nappa cabbage leaves / Raw tomato stew with chopped fennel & red cabbage
Creative Work: Got good work done today. A little of everything. Things are moving forward! yay!
Give - Share: Shared my thoughts & opinions with my nephew, shared great news with my sister, & shared my artwork with someone I just met.
Incorporeal Bliss: I was hearing this beautiful chime sound as I walked today. I was so eager to find the source. I kept walking & walking and the sound never stood still anywhere. I kept thinking that I would eventually pass the house that had the wind chime. I would see the the chime blowing in the wind & leave the sound behind me as I walked away. But the house never revealed itself. I eventually discovered that the chime was really a few small bells attached to an "icee" cart. The icee vendor was rolling their cart a block in front of me. I had no idea it was them until I eventually passed them. The mysterious sound was fun to be around. Fun while it lasted.

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