Friday, June 18, 2010

Hi! :)

Quick post for Yesterday...
Sleep: 6 hours
Sunshine: Just a little walking outdoors.
Love: Bright colors. I can't get enough. 
Gratitude: Patience is a vertue. Long day today! So grateful that we all have patience for each other.
Bliss: Feeling music describe the indescribable. Sound waves of meaning that can only be felt. Pure bliss! Music is magic. What would life be like without it? I don't even want to entertain the thought!
Juicy-lusciousness: Orange wedges / Haitian mangoes / Banana-celery smoothie
Sorry for being "hit & miss" with the posting. I've been working more than usual. I have about another two weeks or so till things are back to normal. Hang in there!

1 comment:

Maite Ikaran said...

Cool picture! Love plants

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