Thursday, June 3, 2010

Day 107 of 108

Sleep: 7.5 hours
Sunshine: Morning meditation outside, plus lots of walking.
Love: People who are good at what they do. I love having interactions with people who run a great business. It's such a pleasure.
Joy: Morning kriya & meditation, 90 minute kundalini class, plus lots of walking.
Gratitude: Grateful I was able to accomplish things from my to-do list today.
Bliss: Feeling like almost all of my bliss, happiness, or good feelings come from things that just happen naturally, that are free, that are not based on form. This morning I was meditating outside & I was getting pleasant feeling after pleasant feeling. Like, "Wow, is this all for me? Why would I push or hustle to get things or to make things happen, when all of this is here for the experiencing? All I have to do is notice it. Amazing."
Juicy-lusciousness: Fresh OJ / Mangoes / Banana-nettle green smoothie / Fresh OJ & bananas / Cucumber slices with avocado & fresh mugwort leaves

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