Monday, February 15, 2010

Warm Winter Day

Last night's choices were not the best. But I had a great day & ate lots of tasty food. So no complaints from me. Just better choices & back to eating before sundown. Lately I've been eating too late in the day. That also leads to poor choices I feel. Staying hydrated, eating lots of sweet fruits for breakfast & not eating after dark keep me on track. Usually. -I just need to do it! I've been a little all over the place lately (with my eating times, work schedule & hours logged sleeping), I can see that I need to reel myself back in. It's all part of the process. As long as I'm learning & improving gradually, it's all good. Working on my health, fitness & diet little by little has changed my life for the better. Good habits stay, & bad ones gently fall away... (-but it takes time).

Today I ate;
Soaked organic prunes & their soak water
Red leaf salad with zucchini noodles, chopped veg fruits & mixed-herb sauce on top

People have brought me so much sunshine & love lately. This has been the warmest winter ever! Life has been so much fun. Extra special thanks to my good friend HippieMom for sharing her Sunshine Award with me. I am supposed to pass it on to other bloggers. I'm not sure what kind of blogger they have to be, but I'll just tell you who inspires me or who I've been following for a few years.

Here is the list....
A Good Look
Garance Dore
The Sartorialist
Coco Bula
Gala Darling
Orange Juice Girl
Croqué Cru (-also called Bliss Food in English)
& ...of course, HippieMom's blog! The Raw Journal -Xo! 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Bonjour Beautiful Being ☺

Thank you for the mention!


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