Saturday, February 6, 2010

Day 3 of 108 ~ Today I ate;

Lots of soaked bahri dates (-love drinking their sweet soak water too!)
Red grapefruits
Raw zucchini noodles with sage sauce over chopped red leaf lettuce

* Raw Zucchini Noodles with Sage Sauce Recipe *
I make the zucchini noodles with a noodle maker. You can also use a potato peeler or grater to make the noodles. For the sauce I use a 1 small bunch of fresh sage, the juice of 1 lemon, some scallion whole (the top & bottom) , a few tomatillos, 1/2 pint of red grape tomatoes, about 2 cups of baby spinach leaves, 1-2 hot peppers (I use 1 very small habanero & 1 big jalapeno, but that may be too hot for most people), and 1/4 or more of a Florida avocado. (I like Florida best because they are more water rich than California avocados & they have a sweet taste than combines well in sauces.) Put everything in a high speed blender & blend away. I put the noodles over a bed of lettuce, then add sauce, after that I place some chopped tomato & scallions on top for color.

1 comment:

Eric and Hannah Avery said...

Yum, that sounds very yummy!


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