OK, I know what I want to do now! I want to go back to what I designed for the
14 Day Cleanse, but add some veggie soups to it and do it for m-u-c-h longer. I would like to follow this diet until the end of the year.
My New Year's Eve celebration will be My Nasty Fruit Challenge completion -and- the beginning of a healthier me for 2010!
My Nasty Fruit Challenge;
Hot drinks (hot water drinks made from lemon, herbs, roots or leaves)
Fresh juices (citrus or plain vegetable, no sweet fruit added to the vegetable juice)
Green smoothies (simple combos, no more than 3 ingredients)
Raw soups (young coconut or a little avocado is OK, but no oil or salt)
Whole fruits (mono meals mostly, this includes non-sweet fruits)
The goal is to be consistent, not perfect. (I already know it won't be perfect. I have travel dates planned and weddings to attend, so this could get tricky.) The reason this challenge is so long is because I want to practice being more fruity, more natural and more simple in my diet. I have already had brief experiences of SUPER happiness and SUPER efficiency in my body when eating like this. My mind is also much calmer and at peace. It's usually brief because I swing back to old eating habits and give in to the influence of 'cultural norms'. This time I want to create a new 'norm'. I want being natural to be fashionable again. But not the fashionable 'natural' way we see today, like 'natural' toiletries and bed linens. Just simple living with awareness. Eating less, eating simpler and getting in touch with nature, our higher nature. The natural 'us' that doesn't need to be entertained by food, that doesn't need to take 'comfort' in cooked or fatty foods, that doesn't need to over use and abuse our bodies or our resources. I notice when I eat like this there are no plastic bottles, no glass jars, no foil, no take-out containers, it's mostly peels & seeds. No animal has to die or live to be used (only for it's milk and eggs) just to produce my meal. Most of the time no one has to even make me anything! It's just peel and go! Plus, when I'm consistent with eating mostly fruit the less I need other supplies like soaps, toothpaste and deodorant. (If I'm eating raw high-fat processed foods, animal foods, cooked foods or seasonings, I need it!) So there is a chain effect to the simplicity of the diet, the rest of your life gets simpler and less wasteful. Imagine if everyone's lives were less wasteful and simpler. What a huge difference that would make on our planet's current challenges. Over population and global warming means we must use less, we must take responsibilities for our actions.
*A little note about the food list:
The reasons green salads are not on my list is because I don't enjoy them without lots of avocado or a salty fatty dressing. Then after eating salt or lots of fat I feel less energized and my digestion slows
way down. I usually over-eat and tend to crave more fatty salty foods afterwards. Plus, most dressings that are made with salt & oil are not fresh. The oil or nuts used can be
(and usually are) rancid. Fats are very sensitive to oxygen. It's also hard to know exactly what kind of salt is in the dressing when eating at restaurants. Whenever I have salt in my food I get puffy. I don't like getting puffy (and neither does my body). So I think it's best for me to skip the old salad habit and stick to green smoothies or green soups for my greens. Maybe I will develop a palate for plain salads. This will be tough, but I will give it a try. We will see...]
If you have a goal you want to try till the end of the year let me know. It could be giving up one old habit or including one new habit. Maybe eating something raw everyday or choosing organic over conventional when you have the chance. Whatever you feel would make a contribution to your life and the lives around you. Give it a try! Remember consistency, not perfection. It's all a work in progress. We are in this together!