Monday, September 20, 2010

Something New, ...sort of.

 I'm at it again! Another little program to explore daily. Having a new program will inspire & keep me on track while traveling next week. When in unpredictable environments it helps to have a list of things that I will do each day. (Like I've done in the past.) This will be from Tuesday the 21st to Monday the 4th. Fourteen days of consistent bliss & bravery! (It's all a mind game. But a fun one!)

Here is what I will be exploring on a daily basis;
Water- One liter first thing in the morning & more as the day goes on.
Strength- Push ups, dips, core exercise, something challenging.
Sweets- Juicy fruits, citrus juice, anything sweet that hits the spot.
Courage- Saying what's there, doing what scares me, whatever's uneasy.
Sunshine- Some quality time spent outdoors while working or exercising.
Sweat- Jumping jacks, running in place, anything that does the trick.
Greens- Something green & water rich, like green juice or green salads.
Creativity- Making progress on my projects & boldly designing my life.
Bliss- Being open & relaxed enough to enjoy life's subtleties. 

Tomorrow is day one. See you then... :) Xx!

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