Thursday, September 30, 2010

Day 10 of Creativity & Courage

 "This is the true joy of life, the being used up for a purpose recognized by yourself as a mighty one." - George Bernard Shaw
Water- 2 liters so far.
Strength- A session of all core exercise, plus 20 push-ups on my knees.
Sweets- Blended bananas / Pineapple / Raisins (with cranberries & nuts)
Courage- Woh, a super great day today because I was brave enough to do something I wanted to do verses something I should do. I also made a way for things that are important to me to happen regardless of the unpredictability of the day.
Sunshine- Absolutely none. Can you believe it?
Sweat-I got slightly sweaty during the core workout. It was short in duration. If it was longer, it would have been more sweaty. But I was in a time crunch, so I had to make it short but sweet.
Greens- Same big bowl of cucumber noodles, except no nappa cabbage or tomatoes this time.
Creativity- Magic. Pure magic. I met with my new coaching group today. A two hour call about creative projects. Pure bliss I tell you. I felt like I was in the mothers womb. I was swimming in my element. 
Bliss- Being excited about life's possibilities & perfection. But also my responsibility to create that.

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