Thursday, January 14, 2010

Today I ate;

1 small Hachiya persimmon
5 organic Bahri dates (-They arrived in the mail! Wow, they are very sweet. I think I still prefer a good quality organic Medjool date over the Bahris. But it was fun to try something new. I have 5lbs of them in my fridge now. They should last a long time. So I'll eat them little by little.)
Lots of blended veggies with heaps of raw spinach (-Today I tried purple turnips, or were they radishes? I'm not sure. But they tasted good & paired well with my red beets.)

Forgot to add this to yesterday's eats;
I had raw yellow squash noodles w/mango-celery-tomato sauce & chopped cilantro for lunch. <--The sauce was really good. My trick is to blend a pint of grape or cherry tomatoes with 2 celery stalks, then pour it into a glass jar with organic dried mango slices in it. Let it soak until the mango is re-hydrated, (you can leave it in the fridge over night or on your counter for a few hours), then blend all of it when you are ready to eat. You get a really think & super flavorful sauce thats sits beautifully on top of your raw noodles. You can add fresh chopped basil, oregano or cilantro on top for color & more flavor.


greenmama! said...

I feel just the opposite about dates... after the Barhis, I never want to bother with another Medjool. LOL! I bought the Medjools for my son and now he doesn't want them either, so they're drying up in my fridge. I'll use them for date sauces and dips.

Have you tried the Barhis squished on a slice of cucumber? DIVINE! (And cuts the sweetness and stickiness with the fresh watery mildness of cuke...)



Really? That's funny. ;D)
I will try your date/cuke recipe.
Are your Bahris fresh & juicy? Or are they squishy & dry?
My Bahris are dried & I find that the Medjools I can get are dried, but still very fleshy, soft & fresh. Sometimes even mushy & feel like they are still water rich. The bahris feel very dry, but still squishy. Are yours like that?
It was great to see your comment. -thanks! ';D)
A. :)

greenmama! said...

Hi Aimee,

I spent extra on the wet pack, so my Barhis are nice and juicy. Worth it.

However, I do like the taste and texture of the drier Barhis. I just don't want to eat quite as many because of how concentrated they are.


Hi GreenMama!
Yesterday I had a good time picking out soft-shmushy ones from the 5lb box. It seems like I have a mix of soft & very firm ones. Today I put about 20 dry ones in a glass jar with water to soak, I will blend them tomorrow and make a celery-date-water drink in the high speed blender. It will be like a date mylk. -I can't wait! Xx...

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