Monday, April 19, 2010

Day 61 & 62 of 108

Food: Lots of plain soaked Halawy dates throughout the day & 2 big heads of red leaf lettuce
Exercise: 60min of meditation/pranayama/kriya, skin brushing, The 5 Tibetan Rites
Water: 2.5L
Sunshine: Nothing much to report. Cool winds today. (-burrr)
Sleep: Slept for 4.5 hours, then got up & worked for 2-3 hours, then went back to bed & slept for another 3 hours (-woke up both times with no alarm clock)
Feelings: Feeling really relaxed & centered. But quiet. I liked being home all day. Buzzing around the house being alone.

Food: Sweet soak water, soaked dates, date-lettuce smoothie, & lots of romaine hearts plain
Exercise: 30 min meditation/pranayama/kriya, 60 min of a crazy cardio mix (dancing/squatting/kicking/stretching), & a few assisted push-ups/chin-ups/handstands
Water: 3L
Sunshine: 60 minutes while reading a book :) I love the sun. Xx.
Sleep: Slept for 6.5 hours (-woke up with no alarm clock)
Feelings: Sometimes I feel like I should be doing more & I guilt trip myself about it. But then I realize that it doesn't matter. What matters is that I am happy. If I am happy, then I am successful & I have accomplished a lot.


Sharanya said...

had a question for u if u dont mind:)What do u eat for protein everyday?And I love that u can do pranayam for so long.Good work


Hi Sharanya,

I get my protein from greens mostly. (But I can get it from fruit too.) I log onto Nutridiary.Com & load in all my food for the day to see where I am at, or I check out NuritionData.Com to get the breakdown for carbs/protein/etc. on a particular item.

I feel best when protein & fat is no more than 10%percent of my total calories.

Try checking out valencia oranges, cantaloupe, raw spinach, etc.. you will be surprised how much protein is in there. :) Xx..

Big HUG,
A. :)

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