Thursday, April 15, 2010

Day 58 of 108

I have a little adventure I am going to try...

It's going to be 2-3 weeks (until a friend comes to town next month, then I will take a break for a few days & go back to it after they go), then pick-up where I left off for another 1-2 weeks. I want to try 30 days in total. The plan is to get really simple. I'm going to eat organic dates, bananas & various lettuces only. I'm doing this for a few reasons. The first reason is because I want to get leaner & healthier. With a diet like this (plus plenty of sunshine, water, happy thoughts & exercise), you are bound to shine. And I want to be as shiny as I can get! :) The second is because I would like to be a fruitarian & eat mostly whole fruits. Plain & simple. I don't want to have to spend time in the kitchen preparing things or depend on recipes to feel happy at meal times. I would like to to keep 'fancy' meals to special occasions, like when my friends or family are visiting with me. The third reason is to save time & money! Two things I could definitely use more of. I did the math & buying a few cases of organic bananas & dates for a month comes out way(!) cheaper than what I was spending on all of my cucumber, tomatoes, bell peppers, avocados, etc. I'll be saving hundreds of dollars. (-organic cucumbers & tomatoes are expensive!) Organic lettuce will still cost me a bit. But I can't give lettuce up for long. I always come back to it. It will still come out really cheap, even with the lettuce as my biggest expense. So it will be nice to have a month were time & money is saved. I'm planning a few trips this year (international & continental), so getting lighter, living lighter & saving money will serve me well in the months to come. That is the plan! I will also post my exercise, feelings, sunshine, water intake, etc. So you can see where I am at with everything while I am eating like this. I might post some videos of me too. :) So you can see (really see!) how things are evolving. -Xo!

Food: 1.5 liters of
datorade (dates blended with water), many soaked dates, date/lettuce wraps & a date/lettuce smoothie
Exercise: Ran stair repeats 3 sets x 10 (
afap), 30min of meditation/pranayama/kriya, 15min of skin brushing & a little walking
Water: 2L (but will get in another before the day is up)
Sunshine: 60minutes of sunbathing
Sleep: 8 hours in bed, 6 hours asleep (woke up with no alarm)
Feelings: Feel excited. Happy. Grateful.


Anonymous said...

I spent the last 2 weeks eating sadly poorly horrible Ewww!! I am on a pre-cleansing right now..
Your adventure is very exciting and dates Yum! Enjoy beautiful☺


You'll bounce back! When I veer off, I can always get myself to return to what works best for me. Pure foods are coming your way! ;D) We always go back to what we love. :) Xo!

greenmama! said...

Sounds like a plan! I wish I liked bananas. They are so cheap.

Hey, since you aren't gonna have too many fruity pics, maybe you could do pics of you in your yoga poses. That would be cool!

:), Marjorie


You are funny GreenMama. :)

I will try to post a few pics & videos of me. Since this blog is everyday, it's hard to schedule the time to take pictures for it. I usually do a quick pull from the internet. But for sure, I will post some pics of me in action so you all can see how things are going. So far so good. :) Feeling great.

The bananas today (Friday) were yummy. I'm glad I like them. I feel lucky to like such a cheap & easy fruit! ;D) Xo!

greenmama! said...

I'm still waiting to see those pics!!! :) Video would be cool, too.

I ate a couple of bananas straight the other day, and thought of you. The first one was good! Then after the second one, I was done. LOL!


AIMEELOVESYOU said... on the way.. ;D)

Try blending your bananas. I prefer them like that then whole. I use a little water & 3 bananas. It's a great smoothie. Really simple. :) Xx..

Or I blend a little banana & add some chopped banana with it. :) Like a banana 'cereal' with banana 'milk'. -all banana!

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