Wednesday, October 20, 2010


Water- 0.5 liter, I know, very little, will do better.
Sun- Outdoor walks & workout.
Sweat- Ran almost full-out (faster than usual) from El Cerrito to Berkeley.
Strength-  Long walk with heavy fruit load.
Stretch- Nothing yet. maybe tonight...
Sweets- Liter of fresh OJ / Hachiya persimmons / Tuscan melon / Fresh figs / Passion fruit (-My first time trying passion fruit! I loved it. It was like eating dinosaur eggs. In an erotic fruity sort of way.)
Veggies- None.
Courage- Going to SF often when it costs me more money (that I don't have). I don't care! I'll take the chance. I'm having a ball! :)
Creativity- Created a new format for my fruit blog. Starting tomorrow it's going to be a BEING blog. :) It can be a Fruity Being blog. But it will be other things too. More to come on that!
Bliss!- Feeling feminine. :) / Sitting outside looking at the SF bay waves & ferryboats, feeling cool air, listening to Philip Glass & working on laptop. -Orgasmic bliss! ;) / A really fun call with one of my old-time NYC friends. / My dad & I have the same fav fruits. (Hachiya persimmons ..& fresh figs ..& avocados) - I love that! / Helping a friend in need.

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