Monday, May 24, 2010

Day 97 of 108

Today was fabulous!
Sleep: 9 hours. Woke up really late, but I needed the additional sleep.
Sunshine: Not really. I did walk around town in the sun, but not lots. I would have liked more.
Water: 2 liters, plus more tonight.
Love: I love wild greens! I found a super great vendor at a farmers market that is selling all kinds of green goodies! I'm so excited. She will be seeing me every week now! I will soon be her best customer.
Joy: 90 minute kundalini class, 60 minute personal kriya/mediation practice, a few modified chin-ups/push-ups, & 15 minutes of intense pleasure! My first Zuzana BodyRock video & loved it! I sweated like crazy & it only took fifteen minutes! Wow! I highly recommend it!

Gratitude: For an awesome kundalini class. It had a gong meditation at the end.
Bliss: The feeling I get when I tune in to what I know is true. It's such a relaxing all encompassing feeling.
Juicy-lusciousness: Fresh OJ-banana-lamb's quarter green smoothie, apple-banana-stinging nettle green smoothie, pineapple-banana-stinging nettle green smoothie
I felt so good about all my choices today, especially my food. Felt great to have all liquids. My energy was high & even all day, like a very awake calmness. 


Maite Ikaran said...

Yes!!! Go for wild greens! I am taking borage, dandelion and nettles to make green juices... amazing! After this crazy winter, I want to give up nuts and lower down my consumption of dates, so planning to go on a fast and then keep moving on a diet similar to yours... only juiciness!!! love it!!

What is the name of Zuzane´s blog? I can´t get it in the video.

Love! Maite


I'm really excited about the greens. I no longer want to eat the mass produced baby greens & lettuces I was eating before. The wild greens are like another world!! ;D) I always knew they were, I just didn't think I could access them without growing them myself (in my apartment!).

Here is a link to the video;
She is a bit "over the top" with the outfits & camera angles. (*wink*) But she is VERY strong & her workouts definitely ROCK! She know who to get in shape & hove a powerful body. No doubt about that! I'm excited to follow her need. :) I need all the help I can get.

Have fun Maite! Let me know if you can access the link OK.



Opps! Typos...

"who to get in shape & hove a powerful body. No doubt about that! I'm excited to follow her need"

Should say...

"HOW to get in shape & HAVE a powerful body. No doubt about that! I'm excited to follow her LEAD"

:) Xx..

Maite Ikaran said...

Cool, yes got it all right. Powerful body definitely... but her recipes don´t inspire me that much.

Thanks... let´s go wild and green!

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