Thursday, January 21, 2010

Here I Go Again...

OK, I think I need another challenge. :) I eat (& work) best this way. Focusing on something really helps me. It keeps me excited & on track. I love living with a sense of purpose & passion.

I'm going to think it over tomorrow & come up with something. I would like to try a 100 day challenge. That would land me in May. It seems really far away, but that is what makes it challenging. I'll have to think it over.

I have a couple of ideas...
Mono meals for a 100 days (-no mixing, just one food type at a time)
Liquid meals for 100 days (-mostly juicing, blending, & squeezing or sucking on citrus wedges)
Fruit for 100 days (-this would be sweet & non-sweet, & anything that is botanically considered a fruit)
Fruit & greens for 100 days (-just like it says, nothing else)
Fruit, greens & veg juice for 100 days (-this would be the easiest, because I'd have the most options)

Tell me if you have any ideas. The goal is to get a great habit & experience out of it. I would love it if I permanently left out oils & salt from my diet. Even in raw food dishes. If I go 100 days with no oil or salt, that would be great. I'm pretty sure I've done 100 days with no oil before, but not no salt. Some salt always gets in there month to month. I don't use it at home or buy it (oil either), but I do eat out sometimes & I know raw food (or healthy vegetarian) restaurants use salt in their dishes. So I know I eat it from time to time. And like the other day when I had that gourmet-like salad, I woke up with really puffy eyes. I'm positive this was from the salt. My body does not like it. (Taste buds do though. But I'm sure I can train them not to.) So we will see what I chose. I'll think it over. Keep me posted if you have feedback. :) Xo!


greenmama! said...

I will encourage you with whatever you challenge you choose to pursue!

:), Marjorie


Thanks Marjorie. :) Xx..

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